World's strongest beer [PHOTO/VIDEO]. Paging the Guinness World Records. A Scottish brewery claims it has produced the world's strongest beer, Brewmeister's Armageddon, with an ABV of 65 percent.
For a little perspective, most beers have an alcohol content of between 3 to 7 percent.
The brewery says on its official web site that the beer's ingredients include crystal malt, wheat, flaked oats and 100 percent Scottish spring water. The beer then undergoes a process called freeze fermenting, which involves cooling the beer to freezing. The water freezes, but the alcohol does not -- leaving behind only the richest alcohol content.
When asked about its potency, Brewmeister's co-founder, Lewis Shand, said that the beer, which has a "viscous quality to it," delivers quite a punch. "Delivers a supersonic-charged explosion and conveys the taster to Drunksville" is probably more appropriate," said Shand. "In some respects, it is closer to a liqueur than a beer, but it is classified as a beer and we are pleased with it."
Brewmeister brewers have cautioned that the beer should be sipped and served in the brandy-sized doses.
Strong beers are a trend for Scottish breweries. BrewDog, which is from Fraserburgh on the North coast of Scotland, previously introduced a 41 percent ABV beer called Sink The Bismarck! At the time, it held the title of strongest beer ever brewed.